Google made some significant announcements in their 2011 Google I/O conference last week in San Francisco, CA. You can check out the keynotes from Day 1 & Day 2 here in these videos. A funny slide depicting the Android robot eating an Apple! Day 1 had topics such as Momentum, Mobile and More Movies in […]

2011 Google IO Keynote Day 1 & Day 2 Videos
on November 18, 2012 in Android, Google, Google Chrome OS

Google Introduces Google Chromebooks
on November 10, 2012 in Gadgets, Google, Google Chrome OS, Laptops, Netbooks
We were calling it the Google Chrome OS notebook. In fact, I received a Google Chrome OS notebook in Google’s pilot program. At the core of this notebook is the Chrome OS browser. It is a totally different idea of a notebook. These are not typical notebooks. With a Chromebook you won’t wait minutes for […]

Google Chrome OS And Chrome Webstore
on August 2, 2011 in Google, Google Chrome, Google Chrome OS
Google announced Chrome OS a year back and they have finally come out with a version to get feedback from real users. So, Google is piloting a program where they are going to give selected users a Google Chrome OS tablet and get constant feedback from users. We’re starting with the U.S. and will expand […]

Samsung Series 5 & Acer Cromia Google Chromebooks
on June 13, 2011 in Gadgets, Google, Google Chrome OS, Laptops, Netbooks, Tablets
Google recently announced the availability of their Chrome OS laptops or officially Chromebooks for mid june. You can now order the Samsung Series 5 Chromebook in 3G or WiFi model and the Acer Cromia in 3G or WiFi models as well from Amazon. They are both scheduled for a June 15 release. Chromebooks come with […]

So Apple iPad is Here. Did you Know about ADAM?
on April 5, 2010 in Android, eBook Readers, Featured, Gadgets, Google, Google Chrome OS, Life matters, Tablets, Tech for Life
I am sure you have been flooded with Apple’s iPad news that was made available on Saturday after one of the most successful hype-campaign after the iPhone launch. I love the new ‘lifestyle’ device ‘Apple iPad’, don’t get me wrong and I love my Apple iPhone. So, with Apple iPad available for ordering now, what […]

How You Too Can Try Google Chrome OS
on November 22, 2009 in Google, Google Chrome OS, Tech for Life
Google Chrome OS made the splash on Friday with it’s announcement that it’s been open sourced. So, what if you wanted to try Google Chrome OS to get a hands on feel for its awesome features like the 7-second boot time? TechCrunch has posted a nice tutorial on how to run Google Chrome OS yourself […]
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