HTC has been cranking out best selling Android Smartphones. The most recent release in the HTC lineup is the HTC Sensation 4G. HTC Sensation 4G is powerhouse in terms of hardware specs. It sports a 1.2 GHz dual-core Qualcomm Snapdragon processor running the latest Android Gingerbread software. The 4G actually works at 4G speed on […]

Latest Android Smartphone – HTC Sensation 4G
on November 18, 2012 in Android, Android Smartphones, Gadgets, Google

Tip: How to Free Up Space on Your Android Phone?
on November 18, 2012 in Android, Cellphones, Gadgets, Google, Tips & Tricks
My friends know that I am an iPhone fan but I always have an eye for all things Android. I just came across a nice article on Read Write Web on how to free up space on your Android Phone. This will be helpful to those with an Android smartphone. The few things you can […]

Best & Upcoming Android Tablets of 2011
on November 18, 2012 in Android, Gadgets, Google, Tablets, Tech for Life
I am in the market for an Android tablet and started looking for the options in buying Android tablets. We have an Apple iPad 2 and it has set the bar very high. But, the Android tablet market is still attractive for many reasons. I was just amazed at the variety I found in […]

2011 Google IO Keynote Day 1 & Day 2 Videos
on November 18, 2012 in Android, Google, Google Chrome OS
Google made some significant announcements in their 2011 Google I/O conference last week in San Francisco, CA. You can check out the keynotes from Day 1 & Day 2 here in these videos. A funny slide depicting the Android robot eating an Apple! Day 1 had topics such as Momentum, Mobile and More Movies in […]

Samsung Galaxy S II Launches with Impressive Specs
on November 20, 2011 in Android, Cellphones, Gadgets, Google
If you are tired of all the Verizon iPhone news over the past few weeks, there is some refreshing news for Android fans. Samsung has just released a sequel to their popular Galaxy smartphone and has named it Samsung Galaxy S II. I am not too crazy abou the naming but I think it makes […]

Amazon Launched App Store With 3800 Android Apps
on March 22, 2011 in Android, Featured, Google
Amazon has just made a play in the mobile apps market with their own App Store. They are hoping to be the iTunes equivalent of Android apps. What is interesting is that Google has their own Android Marketplace that the current Android users are used to downloading apps from. Amazon AppStore can be downloaded by […]

Comprehensive Comparison Spreadsheet of All Known Android Phones
on September 2, 2010 in Android, Cellphones, Gadgets, Google, Netbooks, Tech for Life, Tips & Tricks
When it comes to choosing an Apple iPhone, we got you covered in our iPhone blog. However, when it comes to Android based phones if you start looking into the selection available to you, I guarantee that your head will start to spin. The good folks at Portable Electronics Ltd, a New Zealand based electronics […]

WePad – iPad Alternative from Germany
on April 29, 2010 in Android, Featured, Gadgets, Google, Household, Linux, Tablets, Tech for Life
Apple iPad has been selling like hotcakes and in fact the iPad 3G version is due to come out this week. We looked at an iPad – Notion Ink’s ADAM – alternative earlier and this is the second one in that series. No offense to Apple iPad owners, we dedicate a whole section in our […]

So Apple iPad is Here. Did you Know about ADAM?
on April 5, 2010 in Android, eBook Readers, Featured, Gadgets, Google, Google Chrome OS, Life matters, Tablets, Tech for Life
I am sure you have been flooded with Apple’s iPad news that was made available on Saturday after one of the most successful hype-campaign after the iPhone launch. I love the new ‘lifestyle’ device ‘Apple iPad’, don’t get me wrong and I love my Apple iPhone. So, with Apple iPad available for ordering now, what […]
Write Posts On the Go With WordPress for Android
on February 4, 2010 in Android, Blogging, Google, Tech for Life, WordPress
Are you a WordPress blogger with an Android phone like the Motorola Droid, Nexus One or other popular Android powered phones? You can blog on the go with WordPress app for Android. WordPress has released version 1.0 of the WordPress app for Android. I am huge fan of the WordPress app for iPhone and the […]

iPhone Killer: Is Google’s Nexus One The One?
on January 4, 2010 in Android, Featured, Gadgets, Google, Tech for Life
Engadget, the popular gadget blog, has gotten its hand on their own Nexus One and they have put it to the test. Let’s see what they found. Nexus One is Google’s next big Android phone highly rumored to be announced at a Google event tomorrow. Nexus One was introduced and made available to their employees […]
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- Typealyzer – What Type is Your Blog? November 18, 2012
- Get CommentLuv And KeywordLuv For Your Comments August 2, 2011
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- How To Get Around To Those Blocked Websites June 6, 2011
- MagicJack Review – VOIP Service for $20/Year May 5, 2008