We were calling it the Google Chrome OS notebook. In fact, I received a Google Chrome OS notebook in Google’s pilot program. At the core of this notebook is the Chrome OS browser. It is a totally different idea of a notebook. These are not typical notebooks. With a Chromebook you won’t wait minutes for […]

Google Introduces Google Chromebooks
on November 10, 2012 in Gadgets, Google, Google Chrome OS, Laptops, Netbooks

Samsung Series 5 & Acer Cromia Google Chromebooks
on June 13, 2011 in Gadgets, Google, Google Chrome OS, Laptops, Netbooks, Tablets
Google recently announced the availability of their Chrome OS laptops or officially Chromebooks for mid june. You can now order the Samsung Series 5 Chromebook in 3G or WiFi model and the Acer Cromia in 3G or WiFi models as well from Amazon. They are both scheduled for a June 15 release. Chromebooks come with […]

Comprehensive Comparison Spreadsheet of All Known Android Phones
on September 2, 2010 in Android, Cellphones, Gadgets, Google, Netbooks, Tech for Life, Tips & Tricks
When it comes to choosing an Apple iPhone, we got you covered in our iPhone blog. However, when it comes to Android based phones if you start looking into the selection available to you, I guarantee that your head will start to spin. The good folks at Portable Electronics Ltd, a New Zealand based electronics […]

JoliCloud Netbook OS Adds Nice Features in Version 1.0
on July 19, 2010 in Gadgets, Netbooks, Tech for Life, Web Apps
JoliCloud Netbook OS is an incredible offering that can supercharge your netbook into a productivity center without being bogged down by heavy operating systems such as Windows 7. JoliCloud is basically an internet operating system that mixes web connectivity with desktop applications and you can read our Jolicoud review here. JoliCloud Netbook OS has now […]

Jolicloud Is An Amazing Netbook OS
on December 9, 2009 in Featured, Gadgets, Netbooks, Tech for Life
Netbooks are probably one of the hottest Christmas tech gifts this season. Jolicloud is a new operating system built especially for Netbooks. Jolicloud provides a beautiful interface with an application directory and a set of most popular social network features that makes it easy and fun to use your netbook. Jolicloud is basically an Internet […]
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