I have used a couple of media servers to stream my movies and music collection from my desktop to our Sony Playstation 3 and watch it in our big screen TV. TVersity and PS3 Media Server have worked well for their purpose. I have also dabbled with XMBC a little. However, with our 2 week […]

Stream Movies, Music From Desktop to iPhone, iPad, Android with Plex
on April 13, 2011 in Apple, Featured, Household, Mac Freeware, Tips & Tricks, Windows, Windows Freeware

µTorrent 1.5.0 For Mac Adds Remote Web Access
on March 7, 2011 in Apple, Mac Freeware, Tech for Life
µTorrent is my favorite bit torrent client since it is cross platform on Windows and Mac and I use both operating systems. There is an even an alpha linux version available. µTorrent for Mac has just released version 1.5.0 beta and has some really nice features. Added µTorrent Web support Added WebUI support Added RSS […]

Apple Releases New MacBook Pro Models
on February 24, 2011 in Apple, Gadgets, Laptops
Apple has just released a new line of MacBook Pro laptops. One of the notable features is the introduction of a new high-speed i?O technology – Light Peak or Thunderbolt. The new MacBook Pro Features 2x faster Core i7 processors 2.7 GHz or 3.4 GHz. Intel HD Graphics 3000 processor or high performance AMD Radeon […]

Apple Mac App Store is Open for Business
on January 6, 2011 in Apple
The day is here. Today Apple is set to launch the Mac App Store following the iPhone app store model for Mac applications. Mac App Store is open for business now! The store will sell Mac OS X applications both free and paid. Apple will take a 30% cut from the price. Once purchased, you […]
How to Get Websites to Serve HTML5 Video to Safari on Mac OS X?
on November 15, 2010 in Apple, Tech for Life, Tips & Tricks
It has been now proven that Flash sucks battery life even out of Macbook Pros and Macbook AIRs. Apple (read Steve Jobs) has been against Adobe Flash on mobile devices since the launch of iPhone and iPod Touch. Now, people have proven Apple does this for good reason as they found running Flash content on […]

Apple Intros New iMac, Cinema Display, Magic Trackpad And a Battery Charger
on July 27, 2010 in Apple, Apple iMac, Gadgets, LCD Monitors, Tech Deals, Tech for Life
Apple has refreshed the entire line of it’s desktop computers the 27” and 21.5” Apple iMac. New Apple iMac Some of the important iMac changes include Processor: bump from 3.06 GHz to 3.6 GHz on dual core processors and quad core processors getting a bump from 2.8GHz to 2.93 GHz. Storage: Maximum limit is now […]
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