Why Should a DBA Learn Hadoop?

If you are in the IT world, chances are everywhere you turn you are inundated by the word ‘Big Data’. For the longest time I was put off by the words thinking that this is just a fad that will go away. But this excellent article by Gwen Shapira – Hadoop FAQ – But What […]

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Simple Task Management with Todoist

Simple Task Management with Todoist

We are faced with mounds of tasks everyday. We get through them and attack them and get them out of our way in different ways. And we forget some of them resulting in stress not just to us but even to people around us. Task Management tools aim at aiding this aspect of your life. […]

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Machinarium’s Experience With Non-DRM/Piracy, Offers Amnesty

DRM advocates tend to argue that they add anti-piracy protection to keep users honest with paying for the software or product. Machinarium is an amazing point and click adventure game playable on Windows, Mac or Linux. In an effort to prove a point, Machinarium developers – Amanita Design from Czech released the game without any […]

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Firefox Extensions: Picks of the Week 09-03-24

Firefox Extensions: Picks of the Week 09-03-24

We looked at the new Firefox 3.1 beta 3 features last week. Did you know Firefox 3.1 is being renamed to Firefox 3.5? While we wait for that to come out of beta, let’s look at a few cool Firefox extensions, shall we? Firefox Extensions of the Week About:Tab (experimental): Firefox 3.1 is going to […]

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Typealyzer – What Type is Your Blog?

Typealyzer analyzes writing style in the blog based on text patterns, etc and determines the type of blog. Of course, naturally I put ShanKri-la to the test and we came out as

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New Flock Social Browser Based on Chromium

Just when we were thinking the good old social browser Flock is dying a slow death, they have come back renewed! Flock has just released a new version of their social browser this time based on Chromium. Chromium is the open source browser project Google made Open Source when they released the Google Chrome browser. […]

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How to Overcome RSS Feed Overload?

How to Overcome RSS Feed Overload?

Have you collected a lot of RSS feeds over time that you neatly categorized in folders? If you are like me, you hardly have time to visit some of these folders because to actually go through them all, you are going to need a few hours a day. And who are we kidding? RSS is […]

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Mister Wong Comes to USA

Mister Wong Comes to USA

I like competition because we, as consumers benefit directly from it. I especially like the new competition to del.icio.us, the popular social online bookmarking service. Mister-Wong.de has been hugely popular in Europe and I have been in their closed-beta for over a month. I was really excited because I have been looking for a better […]

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Broadcast your skills with Sclipo

Broadcast your skills with Sclipo

I turn to the internet to for learning a lot of things I am new to. Some times I look up tips or try to find a better way to do the things I do. You can read manuals after manuals and still may not get the hang of it, but if you watched someone […]

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Would VaultPress Become the Best Paid WordPress Backup Solution?

WordPress.com blog users (free and hosted version) have enjoyed Automattic’s backups and not worry about their content getting lost. But, the self-hosted WordPress blog users have been left to using some custom solution via Plugins like WP DB Backup or custom backup scripts until now. Automattic has announced a WordPress.com branded solution called VaultPress for […]

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Chinese Concept Train That Never Stops

I came across this video on Twitter last week and had bookmarked it. This Chinese concept bullet train never stops anywhere. That’s right! It never stops. Anywhere. The way they figure it is there is a compartment at the station where the passengers are loaded before the train arrives. And as the train passes the […]

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Call of Duty: Blacks Ops Makes $1 Billion in 6 Weeks

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare may be the title everyone talked about last time around. Now, Activision’s latest title Call of Duty: Black Ops has made $1 Billion in sales in just 6 weeks since launch. This is an amazing feat only achieved by movie Avatar. Call of Duty: Black Ops is available on all […]

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How to Backup and Save Your Delicious Bookmarks?

One of my favorite bookmarking service, Delicous, is shutting down thanks to Yahoo neglecting it and finally ditching it. We had a bit of a good news with Xmarks staying alive but Delicious is going away. I have a ton of bookmarks saved for a few years in delicious and started looking around for ways […]

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3 Super Fast Dictonaries in the Internet

3 Super Fast Dictonaries in the Internet

I have stopped looking up words in my Webster’s College Dictionary a while back. I used their online version for the longest time before I started using other super fast means of finding meaning for words in the internet. I have listed them in the order I have found and used them, Google being the […]

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Remember the Milk For Gmail Google Chrome Extension

Remember the Milk For Gmail Google Chrome Extension

Remember the Milk is my favorite online to-do manager and even has a great RTM iPhone app too. I use Gmail and Remember the Milk extensively everyday. So, naturally Remember the Milk for Gmail Firefox extension has been such a wonderful tool for me. I can access RTM from within Gmail. This is pretty huge […]

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