Google Notebook RIP – Best Alternative is Evernote

Yesterday was a sad day for a lot of Google Notebook users and there are a lot of them. Google announced that they are stopping development with Google Notebook yesterday.

If you have been using Google Notebook for any length of time, chances are you probably have amassed a whole lot of information that you have gathered meticulously. Atleast, Google Notebook isn’t getting shut down immediately and it is still going to be maintained.

It just means they are stopping active development and there will be no new features or offer it to new users. Also, the Notebook Firefox extension is losing support as well.

How to move your Google Notebooks?

That’s probably the question in your mind. Google suggests trying out a few of their related products as an alternative like

  • SearchWiki
  • Google Docs
  • Tasks in Gmail
  • Google Bookmarks

I think the best Google Notebook alternative out there is Evernote. I even called it Google Notebook done better, way better back in April 2008. And Evernote has added tons of new features since then and it still remains my online notebook of choice.

I’ll jot down a few quick features of Evernote here and you can read a full review in the above link Evernote Logo

  • Capture anything you want as Notes – Tasks/todos, notes/research, web pages, white pages, pictures of receipts, scribbles on paper, snapshots, business cards, etc.
  • Search text from even images as well as your notes
  • Your images/notes can have location attached to it and you can search by location
  • Has a web clip tool that lets you clip any web page as notes
  • You get a desktop version that syncs with your online account
  • You can get a iPhone app and that again syncs with your online account

The way Evernote lets you save anything by creating notes, pictures, scan, email, drag n drop, clip, record is just simply amazing.

But, transferring your Google Notebook to Evernote is going to be a manual task. You can opt to save your individual Google Note as a html page and then add it to Evernote.

If you haven’t tried it, I highly recommend giving Evernote a whirl to see if you like it.

Amit of Digital Inspiration lists a few more useful choices:

  • export notes as Google Documents
  • download all your Google Notebooks in one go with a Greasemonkey script as Atom or HTML format
  • Use this Firefox extension to send your note to Microsoft OneNote

Along with Google Notebook there are a few more products that are biting the dust in Google. Jaiku, Google Video, Dodgeball, Google Catalogs, Google Mashup Editor are also being shutdown.

If you are a Google Notebook user, what do you think of this development or the lack of it?

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20 Responses to “Google Notebook RIP – Best Alternative is Evernote”

  1. Joshua Ho January 16, 2009 at 2:36 pm #

    Have you checked out UberNote?

    Lately we’ve been working hard on having a Google Notebook importer.

  2. Atniz January 17, 2009 at 9:29 am #

    Day by day I’m hearing google closing on one of their product. At least we have some alternative that works good.

    Atnizs last blog post..Modify Your Loan Now And Stay Safe

  3. Steve@trade show guru January 17, 2009 at 10:58 am #

    Hey K,
    I think you have a typo in this post. You wrote “Google” but I think you meant another company?… There is no way that Google could have tried something that didn’t work out. ๐Ÿ™‚ They are the “golden company”. ๐Ÿ˜‰
    ~ Steve, aka the still-wish-I-had-bought-google-when-they-went-public trade show guru

    Steves last blog post..Balance

  4. Troy Malone January 17, 2009 at 1:07 pm #

    I just talked with Evernote yesterday and they are creating an import for Google Notebook users to make the transition easier. They are a great company. That’s why we integrated our Project Management system with them! See how it all works together here:


  5. Technology Blog January 17, 2009 at 2:11 pm #

    I was planning to start using google notebook when this incident occurred. I too became aware of it. I am managing a tech blog . I am 15 years of age and would love to get your attention.

    Thanks K.

    Technology Blogs last blog post..HTML Tables: Placing Your HTML side by side

  6. Jamie@McKay January 17, 2009 at 3:13 pm #

    It’ll be interesting to see, as mentioned in a previous comment, how other related companies and their services will respond. Any of them which don’t have a Google Notebook importer will probably be looking to set one up quickly.

  7. Chris@PPC Coach January 18, 2009 at 9:25 pm #

    I was really disappointed to hear that Google is discontinuing Google Notebook. I use it all the time. I did sign up with EverNote though so I’ll have to see how it works.

    Chriss last blog post..Top 5 Reasons Not To Join PPC Coach

  8. JR @ Cheap Laptop Computers January 19, 2009 at 2:59 am #

    Wow, maybe Evernote can replace all the post-its that are constantly clogging up my desk and monitor and LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Steve@jobs in China January 20, 2009 at 8:56 am #

    Hi K,

    That’s really interesting to Google closing down some of the less successful offerings – the thing is, I’ve always heard a lot about Google Notebook, which makes it surprising to me that it’s been let go.

    Steves last blog post..Christmas In China

  10. Andy@ buy mlm leads January 20, 2009 at 6:06 pm #

    Thanks for the heads up K,
    I have only been using Google Notebook for a few months but it seemed to work well. I will go over and look at Evernote. Most everything I use comes from recommendations like this post at usually it is really good information.

    Andys last blog post..Buy MLM Lead For Profit

  11. Emule Gratuito February 4, 2009 at 8:50 am #

    Firstable, hi to all, I’m new here.

    I was googling about ‘google notebook alternative’ and found this page. I think I’ll go and give Evernote a try.

    Anyone knows similar alternatives?


    Emule Gratuitos last blog post..Emule e i file corrotti

  12. Steve Miller February 7, 2009 at 7:58 pm #

    I subscribed as a premium member to Evernote, but it has a flaw that makes it useless to me: I cannot create categories of notebooks. I can tag notes, but there is no functionality for tagging, grouping, or categorizing notebooks.

  13. tankila February 8, 2009 at 5:28 pm #

    There are some more atlernative options for Google Notebook. Have you ever tried It supports an import of all data from Google Notebook as well…


  1. How to Import Google Notebook into Zoho? | ShanKri-la - January 21, 2009

    […] though I have proclaimed Evernote to be the best alternative to Google Notebook, Zoho sure beat Evernote to the race in providing an import tool to get your Google Notebook […]

  2. Evernote Now Imports Google NoteBook | ShanKri-la - January 23, 2009

    […] Notebook recently announced that they are stopping development of Google Notebook. I think Evernote is one of the best Google […]

  3. Search Pad: Yahoo Actually Tries Something New (and Good!) | MMM - February 4, 2009

    […] Google Notebook RIP – Best Alternative is Evernote ( […]

  4. Notes On Plumbing? « Steve Wilde - March 16, 2010

    […] Notebook to replace Google Notebook Google Notebook RIP – Best Alternative is Evernote Ubuntu 8.10 Release Candidate now available The Perfect Desktop – Ubuntu Studio 8.10 Easy […]

  5. Trunk – An App Store for Evernote | ShanKrila - July 15, 2010

    […] has gone from an awesome note-taking application to a memory platform where various applications can hook into it through itโ€™s […]

  6. Scan Your Documents to the Cloud with ScanDrop [Free for Mac] | ShanKrila - January 21, 2011

    […] can scan your important docs and send them directly to Google Docs or Evernote or ScanDropโ€™s own cloud service – […]

  7. Completely Redesigned Evernote 4.0 Available Now | Top iPhone Resource - March 1, 2011

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