Firefox Extensions: Picks of the week

I still find new Firefox extensions every day and some of them make it to the list of Top Firefox Extensions and some don’t depending on my experience with it. But, I am starting to think that even though I can’t find a use for an extension doesn’t mean some of my readers can’t. So, I am going to start posting now and then about the new extensions I come across (may be once a week or once in 2 weeks depending on how many extensions I find in that period of time) and then use those lists to update my main collection.

Here are some of the new extensions I am trying this week:

  • Screengrab!: Excellent extension for bloggers but could be used by others as well. As the name implies, you can capture visible part or a whole page or just a selection and save it as jpg or png. You could also copy to clipboard and paste it to any program you want to edit the image further. A definite entry into the bloggers category.
  • TargetAlert: Provides visual cues for destinations of hyperlinks. You could look at the URL in the status bar to see what kind of file you are about to click on but this provides a nice visual cue on the type of file with familiar icons.
  • Better Flickr: If you use Grease Monkey and Flickr, you probably use some of the Grease Monkey scripts already. Lifehacker has rolled some of the better ones into a Firefox extension for the rest of us Flickr users. This is after the wild success of Better GMail & Better GReader extensions by them. A definite entry into the usability category.

Have you found any cool Firefox extensions that you would like to share with us? Please leave a comment and I’ll post those in the next batch with a link to you, the contributor. With the list at the Firefox Add-ons repository being massive, it might be a daunting task at times to find the right extension for the job. That is what I am trying to address with this weekly batches, while the Top Firefox Extensions post (soon to be a page) will be a continuously updated list.

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2 Responses to “Firefox Extensions: Picks of the week”

  1. webduck June 12, 2007 at 5:36 pm #

    Very happy I came here from Blog-Op. I have just subscribed to you blog and put you in my Technorati faves.

  2. K-IntheHouse June 12, 2007 at 11:18 pm #

    webduck, welcome to ShanKri-la. Chris has a great blog and I’m glad you like the content here.

    You have a pretty cool blog too.. I’m subscribed and faved you in Technorati!