Are you buying an iPhone?

Wow. I can’t remember when a cell phone launch has created such a buzz like Apple’s iPhone has! It sure is set to turn out to be a huge moneymaker for Apple, a $10 Billion business by a Business Week estimate!

If you haven’t seen an iPhone ad yet, here are some TV ads at Apple. Here are some of the features that everyone is excited about..

  • Multi-touch screen display touted as the next best innovation afterthe mouse.
  • Widescreen iPod
  • A phone with a lot of new features
  • Wifi & EDGE enabled internet capabilities

Apple has set the bar for high for any cell phone manufacturer and if iPhone really takes off as it is expected to, I can only imgine the ushering of a new era of cell phones by other followers. It will be just like when iPod was introduced, the market got flooded with iPod alikes, in fact some that were really comparable to an iPod like the Sansa line of mp3 players. Wi-fi enabled handheld devices would probably be available in a couple of years for cheap with a cell phone contract.

In fact, if you think Apple is the first one to make this revolutionary touch screen interface in a phone, you would be surprised to see some others in the wild already and some in concept. Atleast I was. Samsung’s F700 is creating a lot of buzz these days.

iPhone launch with AT&TiPhone is set to launch with AT&T (formerly Cingular) as the network provider on June 29. Although I am with Cingular (or AT&T ) right now, I am happy with my Sony Ericsson W810i as a phone/multimedia device and not ready to shell out the roughly $500 with a 2-year contract with Cingular.

Would I buy it if it was affordable? Yes. But, the current pricing is targeted at the early adopters and Apple fans like any other major launch. By the time I wear out my Sony Ericsson, may be the iPhone will be at a more reasonable price and will have the bugs worked out. Heck, there may even be a better competitor by then when the touchscreen displays become the norm for cell phones.

So, are you buying an iPhone when it launches on June 29? What do you think about the price?

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16 Responses to “Are you buying an iPhone?”

  1. Jennifer June 10, 2007 at 3:33 am #

    Nope…I only use my phone as a phone. I would love one of those though…just phones that is. I hate that my phone has all these extra gadgets, but I can’t turn up the volume louder to hear a clear voice. LOL….

  2. Rob O. June 10, 2007 at 5:54 am #

    My wife, Dede, is jonesin’ for one of these big-time! And we’re both major iPod fans.

    But having recently used Cingular/AT&T’s GSM service on a notebook, I was terribly under-impressed. Best I could get was about 80-90kbps on average, which will work in a pinch, but not for the kind of graphic-rich Internet connectivity that’s being demo’d on the iPhone.

    And then there’s the price, of course…

  3. K-IntheHouse June 10, 2007 at 1:48 pm #

    Jennifer.. thanks for taking the time to comment. 🙂

    I hear you. But, I like the combination of a phone and a music device so that I don’t have to carry either one but as you said sometimes that means sacrificing a basic quality of cell phone as a good reception.

  4. K-IntheHouse June 10, 2007 at 2:03 pm #

    Rob, keeping up with the Joneses is hard! I have heard about the sub-par service as well. I am also interested in hearing about how well the wi-fi capability works..

    I have a feeling the price isn’t going to be a factor for a lot of apple fans. Early adopters are usually used to it. :-p

  5. coach June 11, 2007 at 2:21 am #

    If I had the resources I would be the ultimate early adopter. I can see myself with one of these when I need to replace both my current iPod and current phone. We will pay a premium here in Australia I expect so that is going to be a factor.

  6. K-IntheHouse June 11, 2007 at 11:51 am #

    Hey coach! Thanks for taking the time to comment..

    Or you could try the Sony Ericcsson walkman series and save yourself a bundle of money. 🙂 Their music capability is out of the world and their standard in-ear noise cancelling headphones just makes listening to music incredible! And there are other impressive features as well..

  7. Kyle Eslick June 11, 2007 at 5:05 pm #

    I will not be buying an iPhone.

    With the exception of my iPods, I don’t really use Apple products and I don’t like the idea of having only push screen buttons.

    Maybe I’m just old fashiioned, but I like my keypad. 🙂

  8. K-IntheHouse June 12, 2007 at 1:31 am #

    I was going to comment on that, Kyle. But, I haven’t used just the touchscreen and I have my own doubts about that in such a small real estate. But, I wasn’t gonna rule that out either until I can lay my hands on it.

  9. Matthew Jabs June 14, 2007 at 3:05 am #

    Hey K…

    I’d buy one if they were offering service from other carriers. I have been with Verizon for 7 years & I’m not switching. Do you know if they ever plan to use any other carriers?

    PS…this new theme is AWESOME…you should definitely stick with it!

  10. K-IntheHouse June 14, 2007 at 11:48 am #

    Thanks Matt! I think Cingular has a lock on iPhone for 5 years or so!! I may be wrong about that..

    I know.. I love it too and I haven’t started tweaking it but I love all the whitespaces! 🙂

  11. Matthew Jabs June 14, 2007 at 4:05 pm #

    I agree with you, I’m not going to jump on the band wagon right away, as a matter of fact, I may never.

    If they don’t offer the phone to other providers, I don’t want to support that type of monopolistic practice. Also, I’m happy with the big “V” so I’m not interested in switching to AT&T.

    5 years…yeah right…by then we’ll be talking to each other through our thoughts alone & won’t even need a device! 😉

  12. Shankrila Admin June 15, 2007 at 11:52 am #

    I know.. if only Verizon would switch from the traditional CDMA to GSM! But, anyone with the V are mighty satisfied and that’s for sure!

  13. barefoot beach naples florida November 2, 2011 at 3:16 am #

    Yes. I’m buying an iPhone. Apple always create cool gadgets that exceeds my expectations. iPhone are making the mobile industry into the next level. It’s a must have phone since it has amazing features and incredible applications.


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