Google Reader Gets A Cleaner Look

I have used the Better GReader Firefox extension and the UserScripts that change the look and feel of Google reader for a while.

Now, Google Reader has an updated look and I don’t need to change it’s look with Stylish scripts.. I like it as it is after a long time!

Here are some things I noticed:

  • Cleaner interface overall
  • Rounded corners are gone and Square corners are in
  • Less blue and more white – rendering a cleaner impact
  • Subscription menu has been cleaned and options moved to a drop down arrow
  • Collapsible navigation – collapse shared items, subscriptions or any part you don’t wanna see
  • Show/hide unread counts – I’m trying this out as I keep feeling overwhelmed when I see 1000+ unread items in the morning and just skip my fav sections – technology.
  • Also, there are more feed bundles – for those wishing to explore new areas to expand their reading.

Overall, I am impressed with this re-design effort by the Google Reader team. I would like to see some of the functionality these Google Reader Greasemonkey Scripts provide natively in Google Reader.

Have a great weekend! 🙂

[via Google Reader Blog]

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21 Responses to “Google Reader Gets A Cleaner Look”

  1. Michael December 6, 2008 at 12:19 am #

    I absolutely love the new look of Google Reader. I was using Helvetireader because of it prominently displaying item titles but I actually think the new standard look does a better job at it.

    Michaels last blog post..Regarding iPhone Support of the New Apple Earphones with Remote and Mic

  2. Andy@Virginia Reckless Driving December 6, 2008 at 1:02 am #

    I had a crazy week, so I just opened up Reader today. I was thrilled to see this new polished interface. And then I saw your post about it. 🙂

    Andys last blog post..Reckless Driving in Virginia – Dismissal!

  3. JR @ Cheap Laptop Computers December 6, 2008 at 2:47 am #

    I agree, the new look is much better and cleaner!

  4. Garry Conn December 6, 2008 at 4:21 am #

    As you know, this couldn’t have come at a better time for me. I just wiped out my account and have started over from scratch and doing that coupled with the update sure really makes Google Reader fun and exciting to use again.

    Garry Conns last blog post..Need Traffic? Forget Google and Just Become a Dennis To Society

  5. Jon December 6, 2008 at 7:20 am #

    Thanks for the update. Like you, I’ve been put off looking at my Google Reader for a while, because of the “More than 1,000 unread” issue. You’ve motivated me to get back to it and have a clean-out!

    Cheers, Jon

    Jons last blog post..New Product – Recession Proof Salon Marketing

  6. Caroline@debit card loans December 6, 2008 at 12:54 pm #

    I am still using Bloglines although I did use Google reader for a bit. Might be time to take another look although Bloglines have just upgraded their severs so theres going to have to be some major benefits for me to switch.

  7. Vivek December 6, 2008 at 5:31 pm #

    I use Google reader regularly and these changes are not looking so good for me, I was better off with that old look yes it was slow, but who cares when you have a broadband and a 2GB RAM

    Viveks last blog post..How to Devastate your Linux OS – Try Fork Bomb

  8. Jon December 6, 2008 at 9:03 pm #

    I like the new interface quite a bit as well. Of course it doesn’t help me stay caught up reading the blogs, but that’s a seperate problem.

    Jons last blog post..Schwinn Jogging Strollers

  9. reklam December 7, 2008 at 3:37 am #

    thank you very good

    reklams last blog post..adtech ile reklam 2.0 dönemi başlıyor ve Trkycmhrytllbtpydrklcktr seo yarışması sıralamamız

  10. Computer Guides For Beginners December 7, 2008 at 9:07 am #

    That is great news for all of us. I suppose the influence of Google has permeated to most of us in today’s modern society, be it via the popular Google reader or its ever reliable Google search engine. Anyway, I am very pleased with the cleaner aesthetic feel when i use my Google reader now.

    Computer Guides For Beginnerss last blog post..Turn On Your PC In 10 Seconds

  11. Nelson December 7, 2008 at 7:17 pm #

    Definitely Google Reader looks better with the new themes. I actually use google Reader to syndicate my news.


    Nelsons last blog post..VMware Server 2.0 Username And Password

  12. GPS December 8, 2008 at 2:49 am #

    I agree; I’m also digging the redesign…’s good stuff.

  13. james touso December 8, 2008 at 6:38 am #

    I completely agree with you. The enhanced properties are much better from the user point of view. I am also going with digging and redesigning.

  14. Paul@meeting rooms December 8, 2008 at 11:02 am #

    Thanks for the heads up on that one K………

    That’s why i like to check out your blog from time to time….. You’ve got your finger on the pulse

    Good stuff…

  15. game-girl December 9, 2008 at 2:40 am #

    I agree, Google Reader began to look much better. -))

    game-girls last blog post..Фильм Враг государства № 1 легенда скачать кино отзывы онлайн

  16. A.Vlad December 11, 2008 at 2:06 pm #

    Yeah they did something realy new and it’s easier to read now

  17. Zath@Hi Tech Gadgets December 14, 2008 at 8:36 pm #

    Google sure are busy releasing updates to a whole load of their services just recently!

    When I first saw this change, I wasn’t sure about it, but within a few days I’ve come to really like the changes and it’s certainly an improvement over the old look and features…now if only I could come to that conclusion with Google Mail Themes!

    Zaths last blog post..Playstation Home Review (BETA)

  18. Jenny@Longitude December 30, 2008 at 3:02 pm #

    Nice, i don’t always stay up on new products coming out as i should. i tried google reader a while back and didn’t like it. it looks like it has come a long way and i’ll give it another try. thanks.

  19. Paul from meeting rooms london January 14, 2009 at 8:39 am #

    @ Jenny I kinda agree with you on that, keeping up with new products can be a pain.

  20. Paul@meeting rooms london January 14, 2009 at 8:40 am #

    @ Jenny I kinda agree with you on that, keeping up with new products can be a pain. Thanks .


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