Firefox 2.0 – Get it now!

A lot of discussion is going on in the nether world about the browser war!! IE 7 has been available for download for a few days now. And Firefox 2.0 has just been released into the wild!!

Actually, I read about a mistake by the Mozilla foundation by mistakenly making the new download page public a couple of days back!!

Anyways, go ahead and enjoy all the goodness that Firefox 2.0 has to offer. All I can say is that they have taken something good and turned it to even better!!

I will write about what I think about the new version shortly! Stay tuned..

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One Response to “Firefox 2.0 – Get it now!”

  1. game-girl November 8, 2008 at 11:45 am #

    tried browsing to some known phishing sites and I didn’t receive a warning. What happened?

    At this time we are using a limited list to test the core Phishing Protection framework within the browser. Users are encouraged to verify that the above test links properly display a warning dialogue, but to wait until a future beta release of Firefox 2 to verify the accuracy of the list of web forgeries.