I have become a Twitter-holic and it took me a while to digest the benefits of being on Twitter. I have met so many nice people and made friends and you might even be reading this because you met me on Twitter! If you haven’t connected with me, you can find me by KIntheHouse. Heck, I even added the TwitterCounter badge in the blog header to show off the number of people listening to my tweets. 😉
Twitter can be used for so many things. Some useful and some just fun. How would you like to track your spending with Twitter?
TweetWhatYouSpend.com lets you do just that. It lets you tweet your spending from your mobile as you are shopping and spending money throughout the day. This way you don’t have to save receipts that don’t need to be saved like the one for your Latte or the change you spent on a magazine etc. You can still track those little spending habits.
All the tweets you send to twys gets entered into a Cash Journal at TweetWhatYouSpend.com website. You can create categories and drag 7 drop entries into different categories. You cam also set daily spending limits.
Here is the table of complete syntax guide to using TweetWhatyouSpend:
As you can see in the table, you can even categorize your spending as you tweet by adding a < Business.You can later export your Cash Journal as a spreadsheet and import it into your favorite financial tool that you have. Now, you can track your cash expenses too.
We all have different ways of keeping track of our expenses. TweetWhatyouSend will appeal to those who are on Twitter a lot including from their mobile phone. How do you keep track of your cash spendings?
Its a good thing that twitter has so much to do with.
Ashfames last blog post..WordOff strips unwanted stuff from what you pastes in WYSIWYG editors from Word
An ingenious site. Being able to categorize spending is a big todo for me and this will prove very helpful.
Aarons last blog post..Political Discussions in the Workplace – Danger Zone
I have always been hesitant to put the type of information on any type of website. I guess I’m just a little paranoid
Johns last blog post..Bethesda Real Estate
This is an interesting find! I am definitely in favor of tools that help people keep tracking of their money. I just save my receipts and enter them into Microsoft Money when I get home.
Andrew. Virginia Lawyer.s last blog post..The Pee Defense for Virginia Reckless Driving
This is great!! I need something like this and I did not know that twitter does this. I often times want to keep track of what I spend and never have a pen, this will work great. BTW, just followed you on Twitter.
interesting use of twitter this. i usually note stuff down in my palm. i don’t use twitter from my mobile, although i’m considering it down the road, so i’m not really able to take advantage of this. also, phone companies here charge too much i think for this to be practical for me. :O
koujis last blog post..autumn haiku poem
I started using this thanks to your post. Must say it makes life a great deal easier.
worth a try i am using twitter very often and really amazed to see how much developed for twitter i think twitter is most famous webb service by now.
MOins last blog post..15 Most Useful and Best Portable Apps
Thank you for the post this staff helped me a lot I’m using it with pleasure
I’ve been struggling to find a real reason to keep twittering, I think this helps solve that problem. Thanks for the post!
Whoa!!!!looks amazing.But then,it will leave me embarrassed at the end of day when i find that i am overspending:-)
Ankits last blog post..GreenShoe Option-A Safe Gaurd For Your IPO Investment
Thanks for this post. this will definitely help me to be debt free this year.