Evernote Opens up it’s API – Users Rejoice

Evernote is a note-taking application on steroids. It has the winning formula and success written all over it. I did step over a line and called Evernote as a Google Notebook alternative. And it has definitely come true for me. I have completely ditched Google Notebook for Evernote.

Evernote just introduced some very important and poweful changes that puts in the right path even more so now.

Evernote Service API

I am very excited about Evernote’s Service API launch. This means that thrid party developers can now interact with Evernote and come up with innovative ideas. In fact, someone could end up creating a brand new Evernote client that could just blow the original out of the water. This is what makes a lot of web applications like Flickr, Facebook, etc. a success.

Mac and Windows Scripting

This is great news for those savvy at the command line. If you are one of those geniuses, you can automate various processes and integrate Evernote with other scriptable applications. For eg. you can automatically pull RSS feeds into Evernote or all scanned pictures to be added to Evernote. You get the idea.


Now, you can import/export your notes out of Evernote from Evernote for Mac or Windows and into another making your Evernote data completely portable in the form of well-defined XML.

Evernote has been seeing minor improvements since I reviewed last, like getting a kickass Evernote iPhone App, adding rich text formatting, nice tag support, etc. But, the above enhancements is definitely going to take it to the next level. If only, I could get a native Linux client for Evernote!

I already use Evernote as a Mozilla Prism app but I would love to see a Adobe AIR app for Evernote making use of it’s Service API. What would you like to see?

Update 01/15/09

Google has announced that they are stopping development with Google Notebook! More details in the Google Notebook alternative article linked above.

[via Evernote Blog]

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6 Responses to “Evernote Opens up it’s API – Users Rejoice”

  1. Andrew. Virginia Lawyer. October 2, 2008 at 7:46 pm #

    This is exciting news! Web services always take off when they have a solid API for third parties to build on. I can’t even imagine what cool things Evernote enthusiasts will come up with.

    Evernote is an incredible tool for my law practice. I don’t know how I’d ever live without it. πŸ™‚

    Andrew. Virginia Lawyer.s last blog post..Can You Call Your Lawyer?

  2. Kamil Rudnicki October 3, 2008 at 4:01 pm #

    See also http://piconote.com

  3. Zath@Tech News Blog November 4, 2008 at 1:48 pm #

    This Evernote service looks really interesting, I’ve not been able to get on the beta yet, but with other apps coming like this has allowed, I’m looking forward to giving it a good test.

    Zaths last blog post..PS3 Hard Disk Upgrade

  4. bilo October 27, 2009 at 12:21 am #

    we really need to see some plugins for evernote..pronto.. lets blow that original interface out of the water.. if you gave evernote firefox style plugin support you’d rule the world (but more importantly, my heart).

  5. thesis help September 5, 2011 at 11:39 am #

    gret post! thanks ofr sharing!


  1. Websites tagged "evernote" on Postsaver - February 9, 2009

    […] not Google saved by kyle5562009-02-01 – Google Notebook vs Evernote saved by ginderella2009-01-30 – Evernote Opens up it’s API – Users Rejoice saved by bendigman2009-01-23 – Evernote saved by gaoang22009-01-21 – Adding Files to Evernote Using […]