After the popular video by Common Craft explaining RSS to everyone, Google Reader team had hired Common Craft to explain Google Reader in a minute. If you’d like to learn What is RSS? first, click on that link to watch that first.
Here is that lucid video. (if you are in a feed reader, click through to view it)
Alright, are you sold on using Google Reader now, see how ShanKri-la looks in it by grabbing our RSS feed? 😉
If you have any questions on using Google Reader, feel free to shoot me a message in the comments or via the contact form.
That really does sum it up… pretty quickly!
I must say since discovering Google Reader I haven’t looked back – before I used to get email updates that just resulted in missing most people’s posts due to the high level of spam.
Now with Google reader, I can jsut log in a check updates at a time to suit me!
Gotta love it
That is an awesome video! I absolutely love it! Now I can easily teach people why Reader is so powerful.
Yep this is quiet a handy video, really a good feature when people dont wanna read the blogs
Smokes last blog post..Useful WordPress Plugins For Any Kind Of Blog
i use feedreader and i think its so far best just a thing i noticed about it its so slow even on my core3duo laptop.
Google Reader rocks. I’ve been using it for the last year and it makes life so easy though as your article highlight, RSS isn’t the easiest thing in the world to explain to others. I wonder how it will be before RSS is understood by most people?
Flip Video Camerass last blog post..Flip Video Software (Part 2)
PS How can I get that little cloud before the comment link on the blog?
wow, great video
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