Grand Central goes Mobile

We wrote about GrandCentral a while back and it has been one of our most popular articles as you might have noticed in the sidebar!

If you haven’t read our earlier article, Grand Central is a free service that offers you one phone number for life!  Here is a glimpse of my post before you head over there..

  •  How would you like one phone number for life?
  • When someone calls you, all your phones would ring. So no matter where you are, you are always available! (I wouldn’t actually like that but wait there’s more..)
  • It’s free for 2 numbers and your voicemails would be stored for 30 days.

I have used that service now for about a month and really like it. Now, I found out through TechCrunch that they have released a mobile version of their site which is pretty cool. Here’s what they say about the new addition to their offering..

Like Gmail’s mobile site, GrandCentral Mobile is a lightweight version of your normal account and the primary use of it will be to review and administer voicemails. All of the normal functionality is included (view and play messages, reply, forward, flag, delete, etc.) You can also access your address book and make basic ringing and greeting account changes. Voicemails are in MP3 format, so your phone will need to be able to play MP3s if you want to listen to them.

I tried this interface out in my cellphone and really liked it. My commute to work is about 12 minutes and I have access to a computer pretty much rest of the time except when I am travelling. So, this feature is not going to be useful on a day to day basis but defintely a great add-on for people on the road.

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5 Responses to “Grand Central goes Mobile”

  1. Pedro April 27, 2007 at 1:26 pm #

    Informative. I am about to become a technocrat just from reading stuff off of your site. Now, I know what RSS feeds are. Universal phone number…I thought it was my idea..but some one beat me to it.

  2. Steve Wordpressguy April 27, 2007 at 8:52 pm #

    A few places have offered central numbers for a while. I used to use one from YAC which worked really well, but they started charging a LOT for calls to the number, which bugged me. Now if they had shared that cash with ME … The yac number was also a fax to email and a voicemail to email service – which was REALLY handy.

  3. K-IntheHouse April 28, 2007 at 1:12 pm #

    Pedro, I am sure GrandCentral folks would love to share the profits if they are making an yyet if they knew it was your idea in the first place! 🙂

    Steve, nice to know about that service too. Its the same case with Grand Central as well.. it’s free to add 2 phone numbers.. if you want to add more numbers, you gotta pay for it. But, you do get all the features even with the free service which I think is pretty cool!

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