Firefox 3 Beta 4 Portable – Run with Firefox 2

Firefox 3 beta 4 was released recently and some of you voiced that you’d rather wait until Firefox 3 was released as a stable version. I am going to tempt you again to try it.

There is a portable version of Firefox 3 Beta 4 now available for download that you can try risk-free along with your Firefox 2 install. However, see here if you’d like to install Firefox 3 simultaneously with Firefox 2.

I love portable applications that I can carry around in my usb drive and this is my latest addition to my favorite portable apps.

Download Firefox 3 Beta 4 Portable

[via Lifehacker]

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4 Responses to “Firefox 3 Beta 4 Portable – Run with Firefox 2”

  1. Sumesh March 16, 2008 at 3:01 am #

    Lifehacker usually gives credit where it is due, but in the post about using FF 3b portable, the tip was first written by Digital Inspiration( Why can’t they link to him?

    Sumesh’s last blog post..Plugins to enhance WordPress tagging

  2. Rakshit March 16, 2008 at 2:49 pm #

    This seems to be a good option. I will surely try this out.

    Rakshit’s last blog post..How to Lock Files and Folders without any Software

  3. K March 17, 2008 at 4:32 pm #

    Rakshit, I have finally convinced you to try. 😉

    Sumesh, I am not too worried about that. Lifehacker is a great resource and usually good about linking out to the source. I know I had times when I bookmarked a site to write about but can’t remember where I actually came across even if my life depended on it. 😛

  4. Elite March 27, 2008 at 7:09 am #

    How about this:
    “Recently Firefox 3 Beta 3 got released for download, and like everybody else I was tempted to test the browser, but lack of support for my old extensions and the BETA tag prevented me to upgrade, fearing loss of my existing pimped up browser configuration, but there existed a solution for my problem allowing me to use Firefox 3 Beta with my older version of Firefox, and that was portable Firefox 3 Beta 3 meant for portable devices like removable USB drives, I tweaked the existing portable version to make it more suitable and efficient for installation on hard-disk usage and here it is for you to enjoy the much improved Firefox 3 Beta 3.”

    Elite’s last blog post..ZiPhone – Hack Your iPhone Or iTouch Under A Minute