Best Minimalist Chrome Extensions

Most web apps attract us with their simplicity and minimalism in the interface. Take Gmail, Google Calendar, Facebook, etc.

However, as time passes by most providers start adding features to the interface sometimes bordering on cluttered.

How can you customize the interface so they are again simple to your liking?

If you are in the Firefox world, you are probably familiar with Greasemonkey scripts that lets you customize. For eg. check out some of the best Gmail Greasemonkey scripts.

In Google Chrome, I just came across a set of Chrome extensions that provide the minimalism we are talking about for some of the most popular web apps.

The Minimalist series of Chrome Extensions gives you great control over turning on and off various elements in these web apps. They are also built for easy setup across various computers with an import/export option for your settings.


  1. Minimalist for Gmail
    Individually hide almost 100 interface elements in Gmail
  2. Minimalist for Google Reader
    Hide almost 50 elements, add custom logo, etc.
  3. Minimalist for Google Calendar
  4. Minimalist for Facebook (beta)

If you are using Chrome, check out these extensions to customize your experience in the web apps you use everyday.

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One Response to “Best Minimalist Chrome Extensions”

  1. Nashville homes for sale November 19, 2011 at 8:37 am #

    Chrome extensions are getting better making users work more efficiently and more faster, I think the extensions are just so helpful. Files was never so organized, I use both Firefox and Chrome and find both very useful.