Sony PlayStation 3 Move Buying Options

Sony PlayStation 3 is my favorite gaming console and I use it more as a streaming device for Netflix, 3D Blu-Ray player, and to stream media from my desktop with TVersity.

Sony has answered the niche where Nintendo’s Wii has reigned supreme and Microsoft Kinect is making waves with PlayStation Move Controller.

Here is a quick guide to buying PlayStation Move for this Holiday season.

If you already own a Sony PlayStation 3, you can either get this as the

If you want to buy a Sony PS3 with Move, your options are

PlayStation 3 is usually a really hot ticket item during the Holiday shopping season. With PS3 move motion controller, there is no excuse for anyone to consider a Wii when you get one of the most advanced gaming consoles with superior media streaming capabilities.

Amazon also has a nice  Gaming Console buying guide you can consult.


  1. Monday, November 1st, 2010 « Mr. Steed's Computers - November 1, 2010

    […] Sony PlayStation 3 Move Buying Options ( […]