Nice Matters Award and a Big Thank You!

Ever since I have started blogging, I have been amazed at how helpful, friendly and nice my fellow bloggers are. I have never been turned down a favor or help. Blogging must bring the best out of us.

Jeanne Dininni of Writers Notes has been kind enough to award me an awesome award just in time for the weekend! NICE MATTERS Award! The concept behind that is you could have great content. But, what makes a great blog even more personable is if the author is kind, helpful and respect their readers comments and opinions.

Check out Jeanne’s blog and you will find that she absolutely deserved this award. I have to give this to a few fellow bloggers who have been really nice to me. You guys rock the blogging world!
Please don’t feel that you must pass this on or that this is a meme.

Thank you

In the spirit of the Christmas season, I just wanted to thank everyone who reads my blog and motivating me to keep going forward. Also, a big thank you to everyone who took the time to visit ShanKri-la’s page at RSSHugger and stumbling it.

ShanKri-la is now at Number 6 in the top 100 blogs for December! We couldn’t have done this without you! So, thank you! We are just 14 views short of making it to Number 4! 😀

Also, I wanted to thank FreoReviews, About Blog Contests, Free Flip Vid Cameras, Free Site Reviews for getting in my ScratchBack Topspots! It is much appreciated.

I have some juicy good reads coming up tomorrow and a smashing new post I am really excited about on Monday! Have a great weekend everyone.

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16 Responses to “Nice Matters Award and a Big Thank You!”

  1. Nirmal December 14, 2007 at 1:09 pm #

    Looks like you are winning lot of awards these days. Anyways keep going.

  2. gLf December 14, 2007 at 1:22 pm #

    Thanks! 🙂
    Keep going on like this!
    Stubmbled your RSSHugger page!

  3. Brown Baron December 14, 2007 at 1:52 pm #

    You definitely deserve this award buddy. 😀

  4. Kyle Eslick December 14, 2007 at 2:18 pm #

    You are an award machine!

    We need to get you a trophy case 😈

  5. K December 14, 2007 at 5:40 pm #

    @Nirmal, thanks buddy! Every one of these awards is special to me and I can’t be grateful enough to the people who have thought about me. 🙂

    @gLF, thanks for the encouragement and stumble! 😛

    @Brown.. you too!

    @Kyle.. I have thought of putting up an awards page just to honor the folks who were kind enough to give me those but figured that would look more like bragging than my intention in displaying them. What do you think? 😉

  6. Jeanne Dininni December 14, 2007 at 8:50 pm #


    Thanks for carrying on the Nice Matters tradition–and also for the credit and link to Writer’s Notes! You’re definitely one of the “nicer” bloggers I’ve “met”!

    Best to you!

  7. Matthew December 14, 2007 at 9:37 pm #

    are you seeing traffic from rss hugger? we arent anymore

  8. K-IntheHouse December 14, 2007 at 10:19 pm #

    Jeanne, you are very welcome! It’s least I could do and I did so to some very noteworthy bloggers and friends of mine. 🙂 Best to you as well!

    Matthew, I have only had 22 visitors from RSSHugger since I registered according to Google Analytics but they have all stayed on the site longer than 8 minutes which is well above average for ShanKri-la.

    And, I have a feeling it has definitely helped with RSS subscriber stats that has been rising constantly and its at it’s highest at 280 today. Too bad, I can’t track it

    It’s just cool to be on a top 10 of a top 100 list! But, full credit goes to you in sharing the idea of getting the RSSHugger page stumbled! 😀

  9. Shankar Ganesh December 15, 2007 at 12:19 pm #

    Thank You for presenting me the award 🙂 That was so nice of you, K.

  10. Tish December 15, 2007 at 11:41 pm #

    Hi, K! Congratulations on your award, and thanks for passing it along to me! I am very honored! 🙂

    Have a great night!

  11. K December 16, 2007 at 3:36 am #

    Shankar, trust me it’s well deserved! 😀

    Tish, it’s my ploy to lure in here to comment. I haven’t seen you in a while! 😉 Just kidding! You really deserve for all the great work you are doing in different blogs.

  12. Rob December 16, 2007 at 7:33 pm #

    Yep, so true.

    The blogging community is one of the most helpful and friendly on the net!

  13. K December 17, 2007 at 2:43 pm #

    Can’t agree more with you on that, Rob! Cheers.

  14. Mark December 18, 2007 at 4:32 am #

    Looks like you’re up to #5 now!

  15. K December 18, 2007 at 1:45 pm #

    Mark.. just 3 more to be number 4! 😉 Thanks for keeping an eye on it for me buddy!


  1. The Kat House » Blog Archive » More Awards! - December 27, 2007

    […] good friend K of ShanKri-la presented me with the Nice Matters Award. I’ve received this one twice before, but it means […]