A few days ago Google unveiled an awesome new feature in Google Search – Google Instant.
Google Instant search enabled seeing results as-you-type and was ridiculously fast in displaying the results. It wowed everyone including yours truly.
Inspired by Google Instant, a lot of web developers started applying this to various services like YouTube, Flickr, Google Maps, Twitter, etc.
A resourceful programmer named Tom Denholm created a website called Instantise to house all the services that used this feature.
The site keeps adding new services and here is the current list
- Youtube
- Google Maps
- Google Images
- Hacker News
- PHP.net
- Techmeme
- iTunes
- Flickr
- YouTubeQuickplay
- Babelplex
- Arledia
It is so great to use so many of these popular services with instant results popping up. I have bookmarked Instantise and it is going to be a very hard habit to kick. You gotta love the credits in the site that reads
Created by Tam Denholm – Idea
inspiredstolen from Michael Hart who gotinspiredstole from Feross Aboukhadijeh who gotinspiredstole from Google.