Are You a Book Lover? You Need GoodReads

When I was in high school and college, I used to read a lot of books on fiction. A lot! I’d frequent a used book store near my house and get a ton of books for the summer and go through them religiously.

I continued this through college but at a diminishing rate as my social life got the better of me.

Then at some point unbeknownst to me I had stopped reading books at all. As a hobby, that is.

Until I discovered Audible through their free trial and then it all came back to me. (I should do an Audible review soon) Now, I have been going through atleast 2 books a month and I am really glad I rekindled this book loving fire in me.

Now, I am on the quest for finding my old favorites and new ones that match my taste. In this quest I came across a website that is a perfect match for people like me and anyone who likes books.

Goodreads is an essential website for anyone who would like to discover new books, keep track of books they like and find books their friends have read and recommended.


Goodreads is the Facebook for book readers. It is the largest social network for readers in the world. They have over 3.4 million members who have added over 100 million books to their shelves.


Here are a few highlights about the site

  • You register for a free account in a simple signup process
  • You can connect with your friends by providing your email login – they don’t store it but just use it to go through your contact list and flag people that are already Goodreads members.
  • You can also add friends from your other social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.
  • You can add and rate books you have read by adding it to your virtual bookshelf. You can also optionally add a review.
  • Find books by title, author or ISBN
  • Browse lists such as Books with Heroes or Heroines as Assasins, Books with Nerdy, Geeky, genius heroes or heroines, etc.
  • Browse new releases, most read this week, popular books, etc.

I am glad I found Goodreads as I can track the books I read and find news books I want to read with such an ease. I just noticed that there is even a Goodreads iPhone app that I can use to easily add status updated of books I am reading.

Just found out that I can also access this incredible info right from my mobile with the Goodreads iPhone app!

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  1. Goodreads – A Book Lover’s iPhone app | Top iPhone Resource - August 10, 2010

    […] can read our complete Goodreads review here on our sister tech […]