Montastic is a very cool website monitoring service. It is free to register and use. If you have a blog or website and you want to get notified anytime it goes down, keep reading.
Quick facts about Montastic
- Free to register and use
- Register as many as 100 sites to monitor
- Get an email when your site goes down
- Get an email when it comes back up
- You can get status updates via RSS or a Yahoo Widget
- Montastic checks from 2 different locations
- Get a cool logo to display that you use Montastic if you want to spread the love for this awesome site!
What are you waiting for? Just sign up and register your blog or website.
If you don’t have a blog/website, how about finding out when your favorite website goes down? Maybe your bank’s website or your not so friendly colleague’s website so you can poke fun at him/her at the worst moment? 👿
let me add and poke fun of K when his blog is down 👿
btw, do you know, is there a way to find when was I last logged in my gmail a/c
Ahhh, you used my favorite word in the title, which caught my eye……free!
buba.. that’s what I’m talking about! 😈 I am not sure how you could do that sorry!
Kyle.. free is a very powerful word! 😛
As far as I remember my hosting provider guarantees 99.9% uptime time, so I will not have to worry about it.
I never really thought that so many sites and blogs go down that such service was invented.
Melody, computers crash. There is no stopping them. be it desktop or the server running your blog, they tend to crash. Even if it goes down only once a year, if my income depended on my website I would want to know if it’s down for even just a few minutes. Mine doesn’t but you see who’d want to see this service invented. 🙂
Of course, ShanKri-la was down for a few minutes sometime last month because I had assumed my wife renewed our hosting and she assumed I did! 😈 Montastic alerted me that it was down and I was able to restore the site in a very short time. It’s something you may not use everyday but good to have, just in case.
Adrian, sorry I just rescued you from my spam filter.
The hosting provider does not protect our blogs against stuff like high CPU utilization or some other runaway process messing up the server resulting in the hosting provider killing our blog processes. For eg, if your blog post reaches Slashdot or Digg’s front page, you could get notified with this. Not that either one has happened to me yet.
You may want also to try – free website monitoring which also offers one-stop solution for external, internal and traffic monitoring. Live charts and personalized dashboard interface
Thanks for dropping by and taking the time to comment! looks pretty cool and seems to offer a lot more features. It’s good to know of alternatives and I will definitely write about it in teh coming days. Thanks for the heads up! 🙂
My hosting provider also guarantee 99% uptime but once I noticed that wy website was anavailable for 14 hours!
Banan’s last blog post..How does my website monitoring service work? Remote Agents.
Excellent article very interesting,such a great suggestion. Thank you for sharing and keep up the good work!SEO
good website for monitoring website…and also it is free..
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