Firefox Extensions: Picks of the Week 10-05-04

It doesn’t matter how many new browsers come to the forefront Firefox still does the job for me with its extensive browser add-ons.

Google Chrome is catching up in the extensions space but Firefox still is in the lead for me and my specific tasks. I have found a few more great add-ons that I wanted to share with you. So, here we go

  • User Agent Switcher

    If you have seen mobile-friendly web pages designed for iPhone, iPad or Android OS, you might have wanted to view it in your desktop/laptop as well. You can do so by setting the User-Agent in your Firefox with this extension tricking the website into thinking you are from a mobile device. For eg. Run Gmail’s iPad interface in Firefox.

  • Extended Copy Menu

    Simple yet very useful if you want the choice to copy the selected area’s plain text or with HTML formatting.

  • OmniBar

    If you like the Google Chrome’s single place for URL and search, OmniBar does that for you in Firefox.

  • Text to Code ratio

    This one is useful for web developers. It is a recommended practice to maintain a high text-code ration in any wepage. This add-on easily shows that information in the status bar to give you a percentage based score.

  • The Camelizer

    Camelizer is an excellent add-on for the Internet shoppers. It overlays price history charts for products on Amazon, Best Buy & NewEgg. This will help you determine the price variations and decide if you should purchase now or hold off for a price drop.

  • Firefound

    FireFound locates your computer if you lose it and protects your private data from identity theft. It won the Grand Prize in the Extend 3.5 contest. A must have on notebook computers & netbooks.

if you have wanted to create a Firefox desktop shortcut so you can always start it in ‘Private mode’, check out this tip here.

Greasemonkey Script of the Week

Greasemonkey makes your Firefox browser do all kinds of things. Here is one that caught my eye recently

Google Image Relinker script lets you search Google Images and click on an image to directly see the full size image without an intermediate step. So, if you use Google Images a lot then this little script can save your wrist a lot of clicks over time!

Check out  Firefound Firefox add-on here or check out Firefound @


  1. Two Firefox Extensions that I Can’t Live Without! | Tech the Plunge - May 10, 2010

    […] Firefox Extensions: Picks of the Week 10-05-04 ( […]