Firefox Extensions: Picks of the Week 09-10-09

It is some quiet time in the Firefox front but I still haven’t had problems finding new and exciting Firefox extensions to share with you. The Firefox extensions developer community is awesome and unstoppable! Here are this week’s picks.

  • Feedly: If you read RSS feeds via feed readers like Google Reader, Netvibes, Bloglines, etc. – Feedly can just make it fun and interactive for you with a nice visual magazine style layout. Checkout my Feedly Review here.
  • NotAwesome: Firefox 3 introduced the Awesomebar concept where it pulls your bookmarks as you type so you can easily find sites you frequent. What if you are working with coworker and don’t want certain sites appearing while you are typing in an Address? NotAwesome hides that for you! [via gHacks]
  • FoxTab: FoxTab is a 3D tabbed browsing extension. It comes with 6 attractive layouts to switch between tabs. If you are trying to show off Firefox in an effort to convert them from the dreaded IE, this is a must have.
  • SkipScreen: Have you been at free file sharing sites like RapidShare, MediaFire, etc where you have to watch ads while a timer runs out before you can get to the file you want? SkipScreen lets you directly go to the page you want without waiting.
  • TrackerWatcher: This can completely change the way you see certain websites. Websites track their visitors use of the Internet – some in a benign way and some being just downright bad. This add-on can open your eyes to which sites track what and what they intend to do with the data.

Greasemonkey Script of the Week

If you use Twitter via Web, you will love this Greasemonkey (Firefox add-on) script. PBTweet enhances your Twitter web experience by adding infinite time scrolling, automatic page refresh, RT/Via style quoting tweetes, translating tweets, picture thumbnail badges, inline reply chains, etc to

It also adds expanding short urls on mouseover, redundant tweets removing, etc.

Firefox Theme of the Week

SilverMel is a modification of a previous theme Charamel. This is one of the most elegant, easy to the eyes theme I have come across. Try it out and you won’t be disappointed.


Do you have a favorite add-on or theme you would like to see it covered here? Hit me up in the comments or on Twitter.

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2 Responses to “Firefox Extensions: Picks of the Week 09-10-09”

  1. joel October 14, 2009 at 2:10 am #

    Interesting and useful collection of firefox extensions. Thanks for sharing. I have already book marked this page.

  2. jm October 27, 2009 at 9:20 am #

    Another nice extension is the contextual browser from Red Panda ( It displays news related to the current page you’re browsing…
    .-= jm´s last blog ..Red Panda is here, try it out! =-.