Get private beta invites – InviteShare

I gave out a few beta invites I had for Spock and GrandCentral. Now, I get atleast 1 request everyday for a GrandCentral invite! I don’t mind the requests at all and in fact love the traffic Google is sending my way when people search for a GC invite. As I am wiping my evil grin, I would like to point anyone who is itching to get invites for new services that are in private beta, this great new site InviteShare.

InviteShare – everyone is invited

It is such a simple and great idea. We all get our hands on a private beta invite or two now and then. We might share it with some friends who might like it and leave rest of the invites unused. And sometimes you want to try a new service but none of your friends have an invite for you. InviteShare brings these two folks together where you can share and receive invites.

You are encouraged to share your unused invites. The more invites you share the higher priority your request gets when you need an invite.

So, all the GrandCentral invite seekers, you might be able to get one through InviteShare! I see a zero wait for invites now and I think ‘430 pending invitations’ means 430 invitations are waiting to be sent!

If you dislike private betas, blame Google for making this a new standard for a webapp launch with their oh-so-popular GMail private beta. 🙂

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4 Responses to “Get private beta invites – InviteShare”

  1. Sephyroth July 27, 2007 at 2:28 am #

    Hi, I’m reading via the Bumpzee No Nofollow | I Follow | DoFollow Community RSS feed. 🙂

    Ah yes, I remember the isnoop Gmail invite generator – it’s how I got my first account. However, I don’t quite understand why they still have invites on offer to users now since it’s open to the public. And just looking through Invite Share, it seems that they have all the sites that people ask for nowadays 😉


  2. K-IntheHouse July 27, 2007 at 2:44 am #

    Hi Sephyroth,

    You are our first visitor from Bumpzee after I added the sidebar widget yesterday! Welcome to ShanKri-la.

    I remember the generator too. Even if it’s becoming an old trick to generate interest by running a closed beta, it still works. 🙂

    Just one more comment and you will start getting link love here from your comments. 🙂

  3. stripfat September 9, 2008 at 11:27 pm #

    Hi.. anyone can provide bumpzee invite code please..

  4. legioner September 29, 2008 at 11:54 pm #

    Anyone can provide bumpzee invite code please to me too..