Unlike last week, I am not trying to give you a long name and its meaning, Instead, Xinu is a web service that provides a lot of stats in a nice layout to get a quick overview of a multitude of information.
If you liked Website Grader [review] to learn a lot about your website, I think Xinu is a second place where you can do quick checks about your website. Xinu’s source code can be downloaded and hosted on a server and I have linked to one suc site below where you can just plugin your URL and get the stats.
Some quick facts about what Xinu (hosted link) shows about your website:
- Google Pagerank, Technorati, Alexa & DMOZ ranking.
- Screenshot and keywords for your site with a recommendation of 25 keywords.
- Popular social bookmarks count.
- XHTML, CSS validation.
- Pages indexed in Google, Yahoo, Google Images & Live.
- Backlinks count from a plethora of services.
I am adding Xinu to the Webmaster section of my Reference page. Check it out and see some stats about your site.
[via TechCrunch]
Last week, out of the 6 votes, 4 were for ‘No, my brain does it for me’. 🙂 If that is any indication of the whoe readership, I will tune down posts about Remember the Milk. Have a good weekend everyone!
I like Xinu’s dashboard look. Lots of info to digest!
Yes, Rob! It’s cool to look at some lesser known stats like backlinks according to all those different search engines.
It’sa an awesome tool, considering it gives all stats in a single place. I just managed to install Xinu on my XAMPP local server setup 😀
Maybe I just didn’ digg deep enough, but where’s Xinu fethcing a cached screenshot of my site from (and how do I update that?)
I’ve been wanting to try this out when I first read about it but couldn’t find a mirror. The dashboard is pretty good, fast loading time too.
That’s cool Shankar! I really like it too..
Rob, I am not sure how it gets that. In fact, I have been wondering how MyBlogLog, BlogCatalog & Technorati get them too. Some still show old screenshots of mine. Let me know if you do find how.
Brown, I just tried it on Friday and had to share it. I knew a lot of folks would love this cool app.
How do I install this?? Any help would be great 🙂
Please email me at moinanjum@gmail.com