The Rumor is True! Google is Building an Operating System

We have heard rumors of Google’s plans to build an operating system for a long time. Guess what, it’s true!

When Google released its Google Chrome browser 9 months ago, the Google OS rumors kinda died down. Plus, the mobile devices OS platform Android was also another reason.

Google Chrome OS

Not to be confused with Android OS or the Google Chrome browser, Google Chrome OS is an entirely new build of an operating google chrome ossystem sharing its roots with the Android and Google Chrome browser.

Google has attempted to rethink operating system usability and security and has built one from a Linux kernel that will run both on x86 and ARM chips.

The software architecture is simple — Google Chrome running within a new windowing system on top of a Linux kernel. For application developers, the web is the platform. All web-based applications will automatically work and new applications can be written using your favorite web technologies.

Google Chrome OS is a new project that is set to achieve a few goals for those who live in the Internet

  • get your email instantly without waiting for your computer to boot up
  • have a fast computer just as when you bought iy
  • access your data wherever you are
  • not worry about backing up your data
  • don’t spend hours trying to configure new hardware you bought

It will be interesting to see how this project pans out. Google has a knack of keeping things simple and making it really usable. Even though I am such a Firefox browser fan, I can’t help opening Google Chrome now and then to get to some things fast. Of course, it is my fault that I have over 20+ Firefox add-ons installed.

Google Chrome OS is initially set to target netbooks. At present running even Windows XP on a netbook is a joke in terms of usability and this could be a sweet spot to hit for Google.

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9 Responses to “The Rumor is True! Google is Building an Operating System”

  1. Rick @ SIP Providers July 10, 2009 at 2:15 am #

    With Google creating applications under Google Docs, it seems natural that they would want to create a desktop infrastructure to support it. After all, they do have a captive audience.

  2. Karl Foxley July 12, 2009 at 6:31 am #

    I’m really looking forward to a Google operating system. I’m using Chrome as my main browser and I absolutely love it.

    I have firefox on my system but I only fire it up when I’m using the many add-ons I have for gathering stats etc.


    .-= Karl Foxley´s last blog ..Get More Website Visitors – 30 Plus Ways To Generate Traffic =-.

  3. darmowe mp3 July 15, 2009 at 9:07 am #

    I heard about it. I can’t wait to see Chrome, I think that at first the list of bugs will be longer than distance from Iceland do Okinawa, but in time it could be successful competition for Windows 7.
    .-= darmowe mp3´s last blog ..Wyszukiwarka mp3 =-.

  4. Anil May 3, 2012 at 10:54 am #

    or they will acquire a well built OS, just like android

  5. Car Accident Attorneys May 9, 2012 at 4:49 pm #

    Sounds good to me! Love anything Google!

  6. Gold Mine stock June 9, 2012 at 11:19 am #

    Thanks, I am pleased to read all the comments.


  1. The Cartoon That Predicted Google Chrome OS | Twittrblog - July 8, 2009

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