As the name suggests I come across such quality posts by fellow bloggers every day. I am going to a roundup post every week so we can hopefully have a discussion about the various topics. This will also encourage fellow bloggers to provide more useful content by giving them a link from here as well as get ShanKri-la noticed by them. It’s win win situation for everyone.
- How to get listed in the search engine? – Garry Conn
Not another SEO tip but Garry Conn actually talks about the value of good content. As he describes, there are plenty of places to hear breaking news but I provide my views and opinion so you can get a different perspective on the happenings. - Day Planner Giveaway – Blog About Your Blog
Matt at BAYB is giving away a Day Planner. It ends Tuesday, July 17. Just leave a comment there, stumble his post, subscribe to the RSS feed or blog about the contest and you are in. With this mention, I think I earned 2 more entries. I really don’t need a day planner, but I will give it away here in a contest if I win it. - Pixel Pusher Roundup – Me and My Drum
A nice round up of downloadable photo editors and online photo editors. A good post to bookmark for quick reference. - Should You Link To Yourself In Your Posts – Kyle’s Cove
A good question and followed by a nice discussion in the comments following the post. In short, I think it is better to link to your posts when you are writing follow-ups but it is evil to link to yourself to increase your page views. - Try out the new StumbleUpon Profile interface now! – Shankar Ganesh Tech Blog
I use StumbleUpon everyday and never liked their interface. It’s great to see the fresh looking user interface and I might spend more time in the site than just using the toolbar. Found Shankar’s profile through this post and he is my friend now.
Speaking of StumbleUpon, I am hoping to update my ‘About’ page soon with links to my various profiles like StumbleUpon, MyBlogLog, Technorati, BlogCatalog,, Facebook, etc. so you can find me easily, if you wanted to, in any of these services. I think every blogger should have this information in the About page so they can connect with their readers outside the comment form/email.
Hey! Thanks for the mention 🙂
Thanks for the mention.
I really need to take some time and learn my way around StumbleUpon. I use it to stumble regularly, but haven’t used the friends features and other stuff available.
Thanks for the spotlight!
@Shankar.. you are welcome!
@Kyle.. what is your screen name in SU? Here is my profile, if you’d like to find me.
@Mark.. you are very welcome! 🙂