Blog About Your Blog (BAYB) is a project where quality bloggers from around the world come together and blog about their interests. The result is a blog with an excellent community around it with great content flowing in every day.
I have been a BAYB reader ever since I heard about this blog. My first attempt at blogging was a multi-author blog that I tried to start with my friends from variety of backgrounds but it didn’t take off as we couldn’t devote the time needed to make it a success. So, when I saw BAYB’s idea taken to a whole new level I could see it’s potential.
Chris from Blog-op had suggested this to me a couple of months back but I wasn’t sure if I would be able to keep up with the quality of the posts there, what with the likes of Garry Conn and Mathew, the founder of BAYB churning out great content there.
Now, I have taken the plunge and posted my first post at BAYB yesterday – 9 Reasons to Use a Desktop Blog Editor. If you hop over there and read it, leave a comment that you came over from ShanKri-la and may be say something really nice about me. 🙂 Or how boring my writing is, that you obsessively come back to read it.
Comment Friday
Comment Friday is a fun thing at BAYB where the readers can talk about pretty much anything they want. Matt sometimes has a topic to talk about but most of the times it is something an early commenter says that runs amok with everyone else chiming in.
The best part of it is that one commenter from Comment Friday is chosen as a winner and is featured as the ‘Blog of the Week’ in BAYB Blogroll and is offered a link back in a post declaring the winner.
Guess who the winner of last week’s Comment Friday is? Yes, ShanKri-la!
So, remember to head over to BAYB for the Comment Fridays. Meet some cool people and talk about anything you want.
Finally, a thank you to Matthew Henrickson of BAYB for this opportunity and looking forward to the fun of meeting more new people.
great review 🙂
i was going to email you and asked how you liked posting at BAYB, apparently you do! lol
It was a great post that got some real good feedback etc. I don’t use any desktop editors so it was great to have your opinion on them.
Thanks again
Matt, I have been over there all day and responding to the wonderful readers there. I was surprised at the response it received. 🙂
Needless to say, I am looking forward to atleast once a week posting. May be I’ll try to stick with the Sunday evening schedule.
BAYB is definitely a great place to get your blog exposure and find others. It has been too long since I’ve written something there. I’ve got to gear up for that real soon.
Great post you made over there with the blog editor. I gave Post2blog a try, but think I’m going to have to use it a few more times before making a final decision on if it’s for me or not. It’s definitely better than some of the editors I’ve tried (which isn’t many). But maybe I just need to dig around it some more. 🙂
It sure is Mark. Thanks for the encouraging words.
I used Post2Blog for a couple of weeks and I liked that it was portable as well. But, I can’t remember why but when I tried Windows Live Writer, mind you won’t catching me saying this about a Microsoft product, I just switched to it immediately because the whole product was well thought out. Surprisingly so. What’s better is the availability of a handful of plugins that extend it’s functionality.