News channels have been completely taken over by the news on the H1N1 swine flu in the last few days. Swine flu is caused by a new flu virus strain, a mixture of various swine, bird and human viruses.
The US has declared a public health emergency on Sunday. Mexico where the virus seems to have first been found have their businesses, schools, etc shutdown for days together. The World Health Organization has activated its 24-hour war room command center.
With so many news outlets reporting various numbers, it is easy to get the wrong notion between the number of ‘suspected cases’ vs ‘confirmed cases’.
It is important to stay informed with the right facts. At times like these misinformation can spread like a wildfire.
Swine Flu Google Maps Mashup
This Google Maps mashup shows the global swine flu cases with different colored markers.
- Purple – Confirmed or probable
- Pink – Suspected cases
- Markers with no dots – Deaths
- Yellow – negative
BBC Swine Flu Map
BBC also maintains a swine flu map showing the history of cases reported as the days progress. This is being updated everyday with number cases per country.
H1N1 Swine Flu FAQ
Dr. Sanjay Gupta of CNN has answered the most frequently asked questions on the h1n1 swine flu. And NDTV has a FAQ section as well.
In spite of it’s name, this virus now spreads among humans and eating pork doesn’t infect you. In fact, this virus spreads just like a common cold – when an infected person near you coughs or sneezes or if you come into contact with the virus via eyes, nose or mouth. Simple hygiene like washing hands could help protect yourself to a certain extent.
Stay informed. Stay healthy!
What I fear is that flu virus continues mutation. That is why flu vaccines change every year. And swine flu is a flu virus
Advice Medics last blog post..Self Diagnosis | Know the Disease Through Fesses
OMG it is increasing with a very high speed, I don’t know how they would stop it….
Please send me flu map updates and other information regarding the progress of H1N1.
the spread of AH1N1 or Swine Flu is really scary. It is a good thing that this virus is not very deadly. We are advised to take Vitamin-C and to wear face masks.
the use of face masks and boosting your immune system by taking lots of vitamin-C is still an effective way of preventing the spread of the Swine Flu virus.
the best thing you can do to prevent the spread of swine flu is to wear face masks and keep your immune system in top shape by avoiding stress and taking vitamin-c